MoNDA is involved in various activities that intersect art and new technology. Here’s an overview of some recent engagements, including advisory and strategy roles, jury participation, moderating, speaking at events, exhibitions curation, art research and partnerships.

The Finnish National Gallery (FI)
MoNDA was invited as international jury for the first generative art competition arranged by Combine24 the Finnish National Gallery. Period: October 5-6th, 2024.

Combine24 winners Ilmo Kapanen & Aarni Kapanen (FI) - The Finnish National Gallery (FI)
Congratulations to the Combine24 winners Ilmo Kapanen & Aarni Kapanen (FI) with Loom of Reality a generative art series in dialogue with Finnish painter Eero Järnefelt from The Finnish National Gallery.

Combine24 exhibition (FI)
The Combine24 exhibition shows the ten generative digital finalists. Photo: Combine24 Read more here -

The Museum of Contemporary Art Kiasma Curatorial Meeting & Tour (FI)
MoNDA was invited to Combine24's international jury program where we met Director and Head Curator of the Museum of Contemporary Art Kiasma - that also gave us a tour around the current exhibition and talked about digital art.

Fernissage of public digital art at the public library in Helsinki Oodi (FI)
As part of Alustra and the Finnish National Gallery's initiative Combine 24, 10 digital artists were selected to show their work at the public library Oodi. MoNDA was invited to the inspirating fernissage and artists talks.

SMK - National Museum of Denmark (DK) - SMK Friday
Hybrids by Ida Kvetny. AI and AR Hybrids works shown at SMK - National Museum of Denmark - SMK Friday. The serie was made in collaboration with SMK Open in 2022 and revitalized in 2024 with new AR and AI artworks.

HIGHLIGHT - Inka & Niklas (SE), 'Passage' 2024
Congratulations to Inka and Niklas for the new permanent installation ‘Passage, 2024, by Inka & Niclas, consisting of five sculptures in the arcade leading up to the entrance of Flemiinggatan 14 in Stockholm. The artist group is know for their photographies and in this case they have build the sculptures in 3D model program and worked with fluid photography.

Tori Wrånes (NO), Big Water at Helsinki Art Museum - HAM (FI)
At MoNDA we had the pleasure of visiting the Artistic Director of Helsinki Art Museum and seeing the current show Big Water by Tori Wrånes (NO) in October 2024.

Kunstsilo in Kristiansand (NO)
The newly reopened Kunstsilo has for a long period shown interesting digital art particularly art made with new technologies. Kunstsilo is also collaborating closely with Lumen Prize on Nordic digital art. MoNDA visited their curator and was introduced to earlier and new digital art initiatives.

Lumen Prize - winners of Futures Award
Parsons & Charlesworth
Congratulations to all Lumen Prize winners and especially to the Futures Award Winners
Parsons & Charlesworth - the category MoNDA was participating in as International Selection Committee. October 2024. Photo: Lumen Prize

Lumen Prize (UK)
MoNDA was invited to take part in the International Selection Committee (ISC) for Lumen Prize 2024 category "Future". October 2024. Photo: Lumen Prize

HIGHLIGHT - Maren Dagny Juell (NO) Human Resource. The Musical, 2024
We are happy to highlight Maren Dagny Juell's (NO) great artwork Human Resource. The Musical, 2024 that won LUMEN Award Nordic Prize. A female avatar starts to give a TED-style talk about the effective use of Human Resources. She bursts into song and a Disney-inspired musical session ensues where the avatar interacts with office equipment and machines while quoting snippets from self-help and performance guides. Fearlessly singing into an empty void filled with dumb technology, the avatar tries to avoid an existential crisis. The animation was created with various AI tools.

Enter Art Program, part of Enter Art Fair (DK)
The non-profit Enter Art Program is part of Enter Art Fair, Scandinavia's largest Art Fair, founded by CEO Julie Leopold. Enter Art Program took place in partnership with MoNDA Artistic Dir. and Head of Program featuring talks, exhibition and performances. Period: Aug 28 - Sep 1st, 2024 Copenhagen
ENTER Art Program explores the evolving role of digital elements in everyday life and art. The program showcases ‘phygital’ works that seamlessly blend physical and digital aspects, creating a bridge between classical and contemporary art forms. The term ‘betwixt’ captures this unique intersection.
The program features performances, an exhibition and talks of international caliber. These activities challenge traditional art perceptions, engaging a wider audience, including those new to the art fair. Visitors will experience everything from hybrid creations and digital installations to immersive AR displays and performances. Artists and speaker are: LoVid (USA), Operator (USA), Jonas Lund (SE), Natacha Paquignon, Kynsie Serre, Maxime Touroute, music by Odalie (FR), Madeleine Pierpont, MoMA (USA), ohannes Dennhardt (DE), Cibelle Cavalli Bastos (BR), Auriea Harvey (USA), Honey Biba Beckerlee (DK), Kirsten Eggers (DE), Stina Gustafsson (SE), Daniela Arriado (CL/NO).
The Art Program is generously supported by the Danish Arts Foundation and Beckett Foundation, Institut français du Danemark, Ambassade de France au Danemark, IGR Instituto Guimaras Rosa, Embassy of Brazil Copenhagen and Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany Copenhagen, Værksted for Fotoografi og SST. Photo: Art Scape

Blockchain Art in Museum & Participatory Art - Engaging New Communities & Collectors with Madeleine Pierpont, Web3 Associate, MoMA (US) and conceptual artist Jonas Lund (SE).
Speakers are Madeleine Pierpont (US), Web3 Associate, Museum of Modern Art - MoMA & conceptual artist Jonas Lund (SE). Moderator: Diana Velasco. Enter Art Program, 2024. Photo: Julie Nymann.

The Future of Something by Jonas Lund (SE)
Conceptual artist Jonas Lund showed the video installation looking into human anxieties in an AI-driven world. Featuring blockchains, NFTs and AI-generated art, the installation presents seven AI-generated human support groups, ranging from couples therapy to robot love tensions, online poker addicts to content creators anonymous. Enter Art Program 2024.

The Invisible Party by Natacha Paquignon (FR) & Maxime Touroute (FR)
Dancers interacts with two AR dancers visible only through the mobile screen by Art Dir. choreographer, dancer Natacha Paquignon (FR), Art. Dir. & developer Maxime Touroute (FR), dancer Kynsie Serre (FR), & music by Odalie (FR). Enter Art Program 2024. Photo: Julie Nymann

Cu in Circuit by Honey Biba Beckerlee (DK)
The art installation “Cu in Circuit” by artist Honey Biba Beckerlee (DK) presents correlations between patterns of copper and memory, across computers, geology and biological life in the deep time of the geological cycle. Enter Art Program 2024. Photo: Julie Nymann

LoVid (US) - A Hybrid and Collaborative Duo
A talk with LoVid on their creative practice will accompany the artwork, and be moderated by Diana Velasco. Enter Art Program 2024. Photo: Julie Nymann

The Adventures of Minoriea by Auriea Harvey (US). AR artwork in Sculpture Garden
The Adventures of Minoriea by Auriea Harvey has reimagined the mythological figure of the minotaur through her own avatar “Minoriea” and created four life-sized AR sculptures. The artworks merge the artist's physiological mood with blockchain art. Enter Art Program 2024 - Sculpture Garden.

Fusion in Motion: Dance Meets Augmented Reality with Natacha Paquignon (FRA) & Maxime Touroute (FR) at The French Embassy.
Hosted by The French Institute & Embassy, a panel talk with Natacha Paquignon & Maxime Touroute (FR) on how to push the boundaries of traditional art forms by bridging the physical artistry of dance with AR technology. Enter Art Program 2024

Human Unreadable by Operator (US)
By bringing the body into blockchain art, and blockchain art into the body, Operator created an on-chain generative choreography method in order to realize the work and make choreography collectable. Enter Art Program 2024. Photo: Julie Nymann.

Human Unreadable by Operator (US)
Human Unreadable, immerses audiences and collectors in a three-act, embodied, generative art experience. With the explicit aim of bringing the body into blockchain art, and blockchain art into the body, Operator created an on-chain generative choreography method in order to realize the work and make choreography collectable. Enter Art Program 2024.

Performative talk by Operator “Human Unreadable".
Performative talk by Operator “Human Unreadable" in conversation with Stina Gustafsson (SE). inclduing performance by Ingebotg Meier Andersen.

From Brushstrokes to Bytes - Bridging Contemporary and Digital Art Collections at The German Embassy.
Hosted by the German Embassy, a talk about the differences or common ground between collecting contemporary and digital art as private collectors and non-profit institutions in Germany and Denmark. German art collector Johannes Dennhardt & Artistic Dir. Diana Velasco from MoNDA. Moderated by Kirsten Eggers. Enter Art Program 2024

A Picture Can’t Take Me II by Cibelle Cavalli Bastos (BR). AR work in Sculpture Garden
The AR artworks by Brazilian Cibelle Cavalli Bastos shown in the Sculpture Garden questions the impossibility of capturing subjectivity in a portrait. The artworks invite participants to create custom sounds and images with their fingertips on a mobile screen. Enter Art Program 2024

heartsleeves by LoVid (US)
The artwork “heartsleeves'' by the artist duo LoVid (US) presents an interactive video portrait using blockchain and generative Web3 activating the audience as co-creators of the artwork by generating their own portraits as part of a Web3 project. Enter Art Program 2024.

The AI Conundrum in Photographic Art at Aalto University (FI)
The AI Conundrum in Photographic Art seminar explores the reasons and ways that artificial intelligence is being used by artists today. The seminar invites an array of Nordic key players to discuss the present and future of artificial intelligence in connection to photographic practices and the broader cultural field.
The seminar is organised by the Association of Photographic Artists (FI) in collaboration with three Nordic photography institutions, Centrum för Fotografi (SE), Fotografisk Center (DK), Preus Museum (NO), and Aalto University (FI).
Invited guest speakers and panellists:
Tomi Slotte Dufva, Senior University Lecturer, Aalto University (FI), Anna-Kaisa Rastenberger, Director of Finnish Museum of Photography (FI) Donald Weber, Associate Professor at Aalto University (US). Hilde Honerud (NO), Tuomo Rainio (FI), Mikaela Steby Stenfalk (SE). Ida Kvetny (DK), Diana Velasco, MoNDA (DK)

Centre Pompidou Málaga. Jan-Sep 2024 (ES) Artwork AIR by Ida Kvetny (DK) music by Noah Rosanes (DK/US) from the exhibition Future Fossils
AIR artwork as part of the exhibition Future Fossils: Exploring the Virtual Realms Ida Kvetny (DK) and music by Noah Rosanes (DK/US) showcased several digital artworks made by AR, AI and a 'phygital' art installation CryptoPong Participate Málaga.

Centre Pompidou Málaga. Jan-Sep 2024 (ES) Artwork Hybrids by Ida Kvetny (DK) from the exhibition Future Fossils
Hybrid artwork as part of the exhibition Future Fossils: Exploring the Virtual Realms Ida Kvetny (DK) as part of the collaboration with SMK- The National Museum of Denmark - SMK Open showcased several digital artworks made by AR, AI and a 'phygital' art installation CryptoPong Participate Málaga.

Visiting Ateneum Art Gallery part of the The Finish National Gallery (FI). Spring 2024
We had the pleasure of visiting curator at Ateneum Art Gallery & Kiasma in spring 2024 and fall 2024. It was such an inspiring dialogue as part of having MoNDA taking part in the art and tech competition Combine 24.

Curatorial Research Trip to NY visiting museums, galleries, curators, artists and talked about the Nordic digital art scene - spring 2023
In spring 2023 MoNDA had the change to visit NY for a curatorial Research Trip visiting museums, galleries, artist visits, talking to curators within the digital art scene in New York. Thanks to the Danish Arts Foundation and Nordic Culture Fund for supporting the curatorial research trip to NY.

NFT.NYC23 - Revolutionizing Art Experiences: Blockchain and NFT Art in Curatorial Practices - spring 2023 (US)
We took part in the panel at the NFT New York Week April 2023: Revolutionizing Art Experiences: Blockchain and NFT Art in Curatorial Practices - in conversation with Anika Meier from (DE), George Vitale from Synthesis Gallery (DE) & MoNDA's Artistic Dir. Diana Velasco (DK/ES) moderated by Elena Zavelev (US).

PhotoFairs New York - fall 2023 (US)
MoNDA was invited to PhotoFairs New York Sep 2023 as a Nordic collaborator to moderate for a panel about Photography & Web3.

'Photography in the Age of NFTs. Redefining the Art World' - PhotoFair New York - fall 2023
MoNDA was invited to moderate at PhotoFair New York in September 2023 regarding 'Photography in the Age of NFTs Redefining the Art World' in conversation with Assistant Professor at NYU and writer Amy Whitaker & artist Cole Wilson (US)

European AI Alliance: Leading Trustworthy AI Globally - Presentation about AI, Art & Creativity at Casa América, Madrid (ES).
As part of the European AI Alliance 4th meeting on Leading Trustworthy AI Globally about EU AI Act in Madrid MoNDA's founders were invited by the European Commission and the Spanish Government to give a presentation about Art, AI and Creativity - opportunities and challenges in the new virtual realm in the creative industry and exhibit a few AI works.

European AI Alliance: Leading Trustworthy AI Globally - Presentation about AI, Art & Creativity at Casa América, Madrid (ES).
As part of the European AI Alliance 4th meeting on Leading Trustworthy AI Globally about EU AI Act in Madrid MoNDA's founders were invited by the European Commission and the Spanish Government to give a presentation about Art, AI and Creativity - opportunities and challenges in the new virtual realm in the creative industry and exhibit a few AI works.

Symposium at Kristianstads Konsthall (SE)
We were invited to talk about Nordic digital art and MoNDA's curational practice and community as part of the symposium Continuous Shift at Kristianstad Konsthall (SE)

Essay. Time-Based Media in Future Museums Facilitating Mixed Reality in Curational Practice by Diana Velasco, MoNDA in Continuous Shift book (SE)
MoNDA was invited to write an essay about "time based media in future museum. Facilitating mixed reality in curational practice as part of the symposium and exhibition Continuous Shift at Kristianstads Kunstholl in Sweden.contributed to the Continuous Shift book Read more here:

Divine Desires by Stine Deja (DK) & Marie Munk (DK), Kristianstads Konsthall (SE)
Art Research: visiting the exhibition Continuous Shift. Divine Desires by Stine Deja (DK) & Marie Munk (DK). Curated by Stina Gustafsson. Kristianstads Konsthall (SE)

Panel discussion about the Nordic digital art scene at Kristianstads Konsthall (SE)
Panel discussion about the Nordic digital art scene with Edi Muka (SE/ALB), curator of the public art agency in Sweden, Linn Hübenette (SE) from the Swedish Art Association, and Artistic. Dir. Diana Velasco (DK) of MoNDA. Moderator: Christian Villum (DK)

A Doll's House by Arvida Byström (SE), Kristianstads Konstholl (SE)
Arvida Byström's artwork and performance from the exhibition Continuous Shift was curated by Stina Gustafsson (SE).Art Research: visiting the exhibition Continuous Shift. A Doll's House by Arvida Byström (SE), Curated by Stina Gustafsson. Kristianstads Konsthall (SE)

Article "Museum Hacked" (in Danish) about MoNDA in Kunstkritikk written by Louise Steiwer Published in DK, NO & UK.
Article about MoNDA in Kunstkritikk written by Louise Steiwer. Here are a few highlights:
“We are particularly focused on the newer digital technologies and genres that museums are not yet acquiring to any great extent," Velasco tells Kunstkritikk.
"This could be VR, AR, or NFTs, but it could also be 3D prints or hybrid works that exist somewhere between the digital and physical realms. We find it exciting to build a bridge between the two worlds because, in the long run, I believe we will see the boundaries between the digital and the physical becoming increasingly blurred."
The founders have a particular affection for early, pioneers—artists who have worked with digital formats since these technologies emerged. It’s about creating a collection that represents the diversity of the field but, more importantly, ensuring that the earliest digital works are not forgotten when art history is written. A risk that increases if the technologies become obsolete before the works are acquired for museum collections.”

MoNDA's AR Sculpture Park at CHART at Charlottenborg Kunsthal (DK)
MoNDA's AR Sculpture Park at CHART / Kunsthal Charlottenborg. Photo: Niklas Adrian Vindelev /CHART.

Review in Autre Magazine based in LA (US)
We are pleased to be highlighted in LA based Autre Magazine with the following hightlight: "The expanse of visitors continues with The Museum of Nordic Digital Art (MoNDA), which launched at the fair with works by ORLAN, Sabrina Ratté, and Morehshin Allahyari that can be found in the foyer of Charlottenborg and with an AR sculpture garden in the courtyard. MoNDA’s first exhibition, “Flags of Freedom,” a solo NFT show by Mette Winckelmann, can still be visited via the QR code on their website. It quickly became clear that new initiatives were a defining imperative of CHART 2022."

CHART at Charlottenborg Kunsthal (DK)
ORLAN giving talk at CHART about her digital artwork interacting with the audience in one of her performances. Photo: Niklas Adrian Vindelev /CHART.

ORLAN - French Embassy
ORLAN was invited by The French Embassy, CHART and MoNDA to talk about her artwork - especially focusing on digital art. She was also invited to talk at the Louisiana Channel.

CHART at Charlottenborg Kunsthal (DK)
Pattern Machines 6 (Anni Albers)
Nanna Debois Buhl, 2022
Algorithm based work (html with CSS and JavaScript)
Inspired by a watercolor sketch by weaver Anni Albers (1926), Nanna Debois Buhl has created a generative, transformative pattern. This visual meditation on Albers’ sketch connects thread and pixel, pattern and textile, sets Alberts’ sketch in motion, and makes it travel into the future.
This piece is part of a larger series of generative works exploring historical, theoretical, and material connections between coding and weaving.
Machine by Nanna Debois Buhl - algorithmic

CHART at Kunsthal Charlottenborg (DK)
Moonfaced by Morehshin Allahyari (US/IR) In ancient Persian literature “Moon-faced” was a genderless adjenctive used to define beauty in both men and women. In contemporary Iran, it refers to the beauty of women only. Something similar happened, in the world of images. Moon-faced Allahyari uses a carefully research and chosen series of keywords with a multimodal AI model to generate a series of videos from the Qajar Dynasty portraits, in the effort to undo and repair a history of Westernization that ended the course of non-bionary gender representation in the Persian visual culture. Artwork text by the artist.

Mette Winckelmann (DK), Flags of Freedom - Web3
Mette Winckelmann's Flags of Freedom were shown during the exhibition period at CHART on a Web3 platform. On of the NFT's is created in 2022 as the third variation of the artwork. Originally it was produced by hand as a unique fabric banner in 2009, and in 2021 produced in an edition of 120 physical silk scarfs in collaboration with Jerome Sans.

Søren Krag (DK based in Norway), The Seasons, 2022.
Søren Krag's large gif The Seasons 2022 was shown at CHART and is now part of the MoNDA's collection. Søren Krag is experimenting within a broad artistic field, ranging from images, installations and video to sound, and performance art, often based on sound. One of his particular focuses is the so-called ‘lo-fi’-technology,

Review in Wallpaper
Our AR park and Web3 exhibition and digital artworks were mentioned and recommended in Wallpaper "...while visitors to the Kunsthal's courtyard can experince an AR sculpture park presented by the brand new Museum of Nordic Digital Art.."

Auriea Harvey, AR Sculpture park (US)
Auriea Harvey has worked with digital art since the 1990's and is currently showing her work around the world at different museums. At MoNDA we are proud to have shown her work several times amongst others in our AR sculpture park. Her work is part of our collection.

Danish Industry (DK)
We were invited to exhibit digital art and talk about Nordic digital art at the Industry's Annual year event right after the Ministry of Digitalisation. Photo Thomas Arnbo / Danish Industry

Guest writer at SMK Open - National Gallery of Denmark (DK)
Guest writer about digital art in future museums - the fusion of the analogue and digital artworks, about new digital technologies and infrastructures written for SMK Open. - National Gallery of Denmark (DK). Thanks to Merete Sanderhoff and Jonas Heide Smith for inviting Artistic Dir. of MoNDA to write about digital art in the future museum

Lauren Moufatt, Compost XII belongs to the Compost (Flowers for Suzanne Clair) series.
Compost XII belongs to the Compost (Flowers for Suzanne Clair) series. These video, image and digital sculptural works draw from a large collection of glitch photogrammetry meshes which have been fused with physical paintings and collaged together in virtual space to create compositions that hover between digital and physical. The Flowers for Suzanne Clair cycle is a body of interweaving places and characters where the non-human takes precedence and invisible forces become tangible.

benandsebastian, #12, The Highest Order
From benandsebastians art serie Friday Morning Desktop. "12 The Highest Order with the text "Subject to the limitatations laid sown in this Constitutional Act, Nature shall have the highest authority in all the affairs of the Realm, and shall exerscise such supreme authority through the Ministers!

Jakob Kudsk Steensen, Frozen Fern Genitalia, 52 03'08.7"N 13 52'34.4"E (2022)
Jakob Kudsk Steensen, Frozen Fern Genitalia, 52 03'08.7"N 13 52'34.4"E (2022). Jakob Kudsk Steensen is an artist working with environmental storytelling through 3D animation, sound, and immersive installation. He creates poetic interpretations of overlooked natural phenomena through collaborations with field biologists, composers, and writers. Projects are based on extensive fieldwork.

Web3 & Creator Economy at Nikolaj Kunsthal, 2023 DK
We had the pleasure of being invited by Nordic Blockchain Association to talk about Web3 and Creator Economy at Nikolaj Kunsthal about Web3, art and new digital infrastructures together with Morten Rongaard and Niklas. Moderated by Peter Gelandi Mikkelsen.

Refik Anadol, Unsupervised — Data Universe — MoMA (2021)
Unsupervised NFT Collection emerges from such an aesthetic/scientific vision and processes 138,151 pieces of metadata from the vast collection of The Museum of Modern Art in the mind of a machine. Using StyleGAN2 ADA to capture the machine’s transformative “hallucinations” of modern art in a multi-dimensional space, Anadol trains a unique AI model with subsets of the archive of MoMA’s collection of artworks, creating embeddings in 1024 dimensions.

Nordic Blockchain Association (DK)
Kick-off the newly established Female and Diversity Steering Committee with the first female led networking event, the Female BlockTech Circle.
Ladies and Gents, we thank you for the invaluable support. A special thanks to all organizers, co-hosts and sponsors Fireblocks Antler Matrikel1 Nordic Blockchain Association
To our speakers and host of the evening Diana Velasco, Olivia Lyng, Soraya Thompson, Nynne Mee Pilgaard, Cecilie Sturich

Opening of MoNDA at CHART. Kunsthal Charlottenborg Sept 2022 (DK)
MoNDA has from an early stage shown AR sculptures and also Web3 work in the custom made remote MoNDA sculpture.MoNDA AR Sculpture Park, digital artworks and Web3 exhibition space was launched. Sept 2022. Here is the MoNDA Web3 AR/Web3 space 'landed' in the courtyard of Kunsthal Charlottenborg (DK)

Nicolas Sassoon (CA), Sunset at Danish Industry digital exhibition (DK)
Nicolas Sassoon's work is part of MoNDA collection and was shown amongst other artworks at Danish Industry and CHART. His work has long been concerned with the tensions between the pixel and the screen, reflecting on their materiality by integrating pixelated figures, moiré patterns, and early computer graphics into experiential displays. This focus on early computer graphics is driven by the sculptural, material, and pictorial qualities of this imagery, as well as its limitations and its poetics. Sassoon’s work often explores the projective dimensions of screen-based space, and the many relationships between computer technology and the natural world.

David Henry Jr, (US) Painterly Biomorphic Humanoid Wearable Canvas
David Henry Brown Jr. is an Interventionist/immersionist performance artist and sculptor who works in diverse mediums, often placing his physical body into the work. Frequently riffing off of the dark side of American popular culture, he has been showing his work since the early 1990’s both in the New York art world and as a renegade underground figure and as a collaborator.

Artificial Intelligence and Creativity - The Festival of Research & Science - Lyngby (DK)
Artificial Intelligence and Creativity - The Festival of Research and Science.
Ida Kvetny, co-founder of MoNDA was invited to talk about AI and art together with a great panel as part of a Science Festival.
Is AI the new quantum leap for humanity, capable of reshaping our self-perception and rendering the creative human obsolete? And is artificial art even art?
The panel includes:
Søren Hauberg, Professor of Machine Learning at DTU Compute
Peter Svarre, Futurist, Digital Strategist, and Author of What Do We Need Humans For?
Ida Kvetny, Artist and co-founder of MoNDA working at the intersection of digital and physical art
The evening’s moderator:
Torben Sangild, Cultural Researcher, Science and Culture Writer at Zetland

Space Program, digital art. Paris (FR) sponsored by the Irish Embassy (I), spring 2024
We had the pleasure of participating in the Space Program for a selected group of digital artists and art institutions in Paris. It was sponsored by the Irish Embassy.

Immensiva. Art & Tech Program, Barcelona (ESP), 2023.
MoNDA participated in the Immensiva, art and tech program in Barcelona (ESP) in 2023. Here we met artists from Asia, Europe and US that worked on an art project and saw their final exhibition.

Culture Meeting Nykøbing Mors, 2023 (DK)
We are delighted to be invited to talk about our experience working with Web3 and art in a panel on Web3 and art with LEGO Art Director and Mads Damsbo, Chief of the Castle and more.

AI panel talk Royal Danish Academy (DK)
Computation & AI for Creativity, Nov 2022 with panel talk by Nick Monfort (MIT), Charlene Putney (writer) & Martin Pichimair (ITU, Laka) Ida Kvetny (co-founder of MoNDA and artist), Lukas Dagaard (freelancer, visual developer). Organized and moderated by Jesper Juul, teater at Royal Danish Academy

AI panel talk Royal Danish Academy (DK)
Computation & AI for Creativity, Nov 2022 with panel talk by
Nick Monfort (MIT), Charlene Putney (writer) & Martin Pichimair (ITU, Laka)
Ida Kvetny (co-founder MoNDA & artist)
Lukas Dagaard (freelancer, visual developer)
Organized and moderated by Jesper Juul, teater at Royal Danish Academy

NFT Copenhagen with talk and discussions at Nikolaj Kunsthal (DK)
NFT Copenhagen - What do we need NFTs for, and how do they impact the art world? The event is at Nikolaj Kunsthal. We have invited five prominent figures from the art world for a discussion about their experiences with NFT art. The question is: What significance does this new phenomenon hold for the art world, and where do we see its development heading? Is the NFT wave settling down, stabilizing, or are we merely witnessing its early beginnings? Will new players emerge, or will the familiar roles in the art world shift? Are there new guiding principles on the horizon? The panelists are:Christian Andersen – Gallerist at Christian Andersen and co-founder of, the first Nordic NFT platform, in collaboration with Esperanza Rosales of VI, VII in Oslo.
Jarl Rosenlykke – Collector, advisor, crypto-NFT artist, and co-founder of Magine.
Stina Gustafsson – Curator and art strategist specializing in blockchain and Web3, as well as co-founder of the art department at the Department of Decentralization.
Jonas Kasper Jensen – Artist and member of the European Blockchain Center.
Ida Kvetny – Hybrid artist and co-founder of MoNDA.
The discussion will be moderated by Diana Velasco, Artistic Director of the Museum of Nordic Digital Art (MoNDA).

National Gallery of Denmark - talk about creativity and new technology (DK)
Panel talk at the National Gallery of Denmark with Elizabeth Holstein and Ida Kvetny moderated by Merete Sanderhoff about creativity and new innovative initiatives. What is the value of creativity in today's society. June 2022

DR Culture Radio, P1 (DK)
What is NFTs? Will it change the art market? Is it here to stay or go? The Danish National Radio P1 has interviewed Ida Kvetny, cof-founder of MoNDA amongst others to hear about the digital possibilities and constraints, scarcity, ownership and new digital infrastructures.

New Image Festival, Art & Tech. Paris 2022 (FR)
Co-founder of MoNDA, Ida Kvetny was selected to be Decisioin Maker in the New Image Festival 2022 featuring state-of-the art - new tech artworks from around the world from the applicants and the exhibition. The Decision Making group consisted of arts colleagueas as Head of Digital Centre Pompidou and Ass. Programme Managaer of Hong Kong Arts Centre.

Round Tower Science Year 2022 (DK) talk
As part of The Round Towers' Science Year Program we were invited to talk about our artist platforms as Radar Contemporary and MoNDA - future digital infrastrucrtures.

Kunsthal Aarhus
What a great line-up of inspiring artists, curators and researcher. Thanks for enriching talks and debates. It was a pleasure moderating the day. Special thanks to curator kirstine Autzen, Galleri Image & Director Beate Cegielska. Also thansk to artists Juan Covelli, Michelle Eistrup, Alexandra Leykauf, curator and art historian Foam Amsterdam Mirjamjck and Ass. Prof. Janstephensen og Aarhus University. Photo credit: Teresa Menka

The Future Museum - DR P1 Radio (DK)
What does the museum of the future look like? We are pleased to be taking part in the discussion on Danish National Radio P1 on The Future of Museums on P1, we explored how museums might evolve in a world that is constantly changing. Questions that were raised: Can museums leverage their societal role to convey important messages and preserve our cultural heritage through new technology and interactive art in discussion with:
Gitte Ørskou, Director of Moderna Museet in Stockholm
Jane Mylenberg, former Director of ENIGMA – Museum of Post, Tele & Communication
Ida Kvetny, co-founder of MoNDA and artist.
Kindly supported by